Mentoring & Coaching
S4S has run training and support programs for over 10,000 plus entrepreneurs around the world and in all circumstances. Core to our programs are extensive mentoring and support. S4S both provides direct mentoring and “train the trainer” programs creating local capacity and programs.
S4S is currently providing direct mentoring through the ALDEA program, on behalf of Colombia’s innovation agency, Innpulsa, to a select group of startups with global potential.
USAID's Global Development Lab aims to produce breakthrough development innovations through its two flagship initiatives: Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) and Open Innovation competitions. S4S has been chosen by the Lab to provide technical assistance and acceleration support by helping grantees address core business/organizational challenges in order to grow and scale their organizations.
S4S developed and delivered the largest entrepreneurship training program globally in partnership with the Nigerian Governments and DFID. The program educated, mentored and invested in 1,200 startups and young companies for a year. Core to the program was a “train the trainer” model that created a nationwide network of Mentors and Monitors based on the S4S curricula. The curricula was localized for the Nigerian context and included local examples, case studies and materials.